Moth Stories

Stories marked with tag "Jobs Employment"

The Two Times I Met Laurence Fishburne

by Chenjerai Kumanyika

A former hip hop star learns that life goes on post fame and that, sometimes, you need to figure out who you're not to figure out who you are.

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Forgetting Fear

by Daniela Schiller

By studying memory, Daniela connects with her father, who refuses to speak about his memories of the holocaust.

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Extra Mile

by Nestor Gomez

Nestor Gomez is stuck driving an unruly Uber passenger during rush hour.

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Minimum Wage Millennial

by Alyssa Ladd

Alyssa Ladd is embarrassed to run into familiar faces while working at a Michaels craft store.

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Life Reimagined

by Raymond Christian

Ray Christian struggles to realize his dream of graduating from law school.

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