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Moth Radio ExtrasStory Library
Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.
Finally, We Agree
by James Braly
A man struggles through a divorce after 20 years of marriage.
The Matchmaking Rabbi
by Amy Klein
Amy Klein finally finds a husband after paying a man in Israel to lift a curse from her by Chanukah.
Just a Little Bit
by Bill Krieger
A father being deployed to Iraq must find a way to explain it to his children.
Alone Across The Arctic
by Pam Flowers
Pam Flowers attempts to cross the Arctic solo with a dog team.
The Best Mugging
A teacher working to exonerate wrongly-convicted criminals is the victim of an attempted mugging.
Love Song for Malawi
by Al Letson
Al travels to Malawi for a job and finds unexpected human connection in a prison
A Toast
Catherine Palmer takes her young sons on a work trip where they learn some inappropriate toasts, which they repeat at church.
Under the Wires
by Dan Souza
A college kid has his jaw wired shut for a month and a half after having jaw surgery.