Search and Rescue
A wilderness search and rescue teacher goes out on a ledge to help a young man.
A refugee advocate and relentless storyteller, Cheryl Hamilton was born in Auburn, Maine and returns to her beloved home state whenever possible. Cheryl has devoted her career to improving refugee protection and local integration. In her first job, she helped manage the unexpected Somali migration to her hometown in 2001, an event that inspired her to write and perform the one-woman show Checkered Floors. Since 2004, Cheryl has managed local and national refugee programs. Currently, she is the Associate Director for External Relations for RefugePoint, an international nonprofit organization that finds lasting solutions for the world?s most vulnerable refugees. A regular storyteller with Massmouth in Boston where she resides, Cheryl recently helped establish The Corner, a Lewiston-based storytelling event that features local and regional tellers, and occasionally brings national talent to Maine. Find more at cometothecorner.com.
A wilderness search and rescue teacher goes out on a ledge to help a young man.