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Story Library

Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.

My Name, Embroidered

by Flora Hogman

World War II separates a young girl from her mother.

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Her Name Was Zelda

by Sara Peters

A girl realizes that video games are not training for life.

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Dog Days of Spanish Harlem

by Ernesto Quiñonez

An adolescent money-making scheme is hatched in 1970s Spanish Harlem. 

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Let Me Sleep On It

by Brad Lawrence

A romance begins to the music of Meat Loaf.

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Neighborhood Watch

by Steve Zimmer

Steve Zimmer's family is not the most popular, but their attention to detail does help solve a rash of neighborhood crimes.

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The Birthday Present

by Brock Grant

A forced birthday outing launches a reluctant teenager into adulthood.

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Reach For The Stars One Small Step At A Time

by Richard Garriott

The limits of a man's physical vision turn into the view from space.

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Al Gore Is So Boring...

by Mark Katz

Speechwriter Mark Katz accidentally steals a popular joke and dreads confessing to Al Gore.

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When In Rome

by Moran Cerf

A chronically late man makes his flight.

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Bird Brain

by Brookie Phipps Williams

A physicist is subject to the law of birds.

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My Father's Cornet

by Albert Maysles

A filmmaker remembers his father.

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The First Elf

by Simon Doonan

A stylist stirs up controversy when called on to decorate the White House for Christmas.

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Church Latin

by Jim Krenn

A radio personality remembers his first time in the spotlight.

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Baggage Claim

by Christine Blackburn

A flight attendant reveals the old-school way of dealing with in-flight disruptions.

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My Sister's Keeper

by Fathia Absie

A Somali immigrant struggles to keep her troubled sister in the country.

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Meeting The Folks

by Courtney Bellanti

A high school girl takes her boyfriend hot tubbing with her dad.

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Take The Bull By The Horns

by Matteson Perry

A young American tests his mettle in Spain.

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What Can You Do?

by Mack McClendon

A New Orleans native realizes he can never return to his pre-Katrina life.

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by Al Sharpton

The Reverend has to decide if he really wants to be like Dr. Martin Luther King. 

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Easter in a Texas Roadhouse

by Wayne Reece

After running out of gas, a young preacher in 1960s Texas ends up in a pool hall

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