Dispatches from the Moth

Explore interviews, storytelling tips, playlists and other Mothy fun curated by our staff and community.

Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Mar 12, 2015

United Nations International School Storytelling Evening

by Gina Voskov

Each December for the past five years, the 7th grade English teachers at our middle school have organized our Storytelling Evening, the big event for the roughly 120 7th grade students in our English and ESL classes. The evening, and indeed our entire unit, is based on the Moth’s tagline: “true stories told live.” It helps that our parent community at our school is engaged and artistic. One of our parents, Josh Blau, is a Moth storyteller, so we are lucky to be able to have him come...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Mar 05, 2015

Encore: David Carr at The Moth StorySLAM, May 9, 2006

by Joshua Wolf Shenk

I met David Carr when he came to D.C. in the mid-1990s to edit Washington City Paper. He always struck me—a journalist 15 years younger—as part mentor and part co-conspirator. He had an earnest edge—D.C. was all about earnest—but with that slight turn of the lip that let you know he was a rascal. At lunch one day Carr told me his ambitions to be a staff writer at a big-time outfit. “I want to be talent,” he said. And that he motherfucking...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Aug 05, 2014


by Dan Kennedy

I’ve sat around for twenty years or so waiting for my match, waiting for the person or people I’m supposed to be creating things with. They’ve probably been with me all along, wondering why I keep talking about how I’m sitting around waiting for them to show up. I’ve read so many of those thick hardcover biographies, entranced and happy to be out of my head, but sooner or later I’m tortured by the text when I realize that nobody is here collaborating with me; not a brother who gets it like...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jun 25, 2014

The Moth Community Showcase

by Larry Rosen

The Moth Community Program brings storytelling workshops and performance opportunities to diverse groups and organizations throughout New York City. Through these workshops hundreds of marginalized teens and adults, many from underserved communities, have discovered the experience of crafting their personal stories and having them heard and appreciated by audiences from the local community and beyond. Twice a year we present The Moth Community Showcase, featuring selected stories from...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jun 11, 2014

Support The Moth Education Program

by David Mutton

Our second-ever High School GrandSLAM took place on Monday. Nine high-school-student maestros took to the stage and told stories that made us laugh and made us cry. We learned about the beauty of an abandoned building, the trials of young love, and a girl’s dreams of becoming Hasidic. It was the type of magical evening that only The Moth can conjure. We have exciting plans in the year ahead. We want to reach more students, build online teaching tools and provide the schools we serve with...

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