This school year, I got the chance to experience one of the most exciting things in my life. And that one exciting thing was joining The Moth.
Around April, I started noticing fliers about joining the Moth team around my school. My sister came up to me and told me that she was joining the Moth, and I should join too. I was quite unsure, but before I could give my answer she told me she had already put my name down.
Our first Moth meeting was held in April on a Thursday. I got a good understanding of The Moth on that first day. It was so much fun, and our Moth mentors and the kids there were so outgoing, understanding and kind with me. That really helped me get comfortable.
By the second meeting of Moth we were told to brainstorm some experiences in our life that had to do with the theme Revelation. I decided to talk about my experience in Bangladesh with my Imagination. The first time I told my story to my Moth team, I felt amazing because everyone was cheering me on and that made me feel famous (LOL). I was happy with my story– I practiced it everyday and told it again every Moth meeting to get new feedback.
The slam went well and I had a great time sharing my story. And after the slam one of my mentors, Micaela, told me that one of my teammates and I were chosen from our school to share our stories for the Grand Slam in front of a big audience at the Celeste Bartos Forum. I was super excited and agreed to do it.
Before the GrandSLAM I attended rehearsals to meet the rest of the 2015 Grand Slam team. Rehearsals went great, the people were awesome and their stories were beautiful. I made a lot of new friends.
At the big GrandSLAM, I couldn’t wait to go up on the stage and tell my story. Finally our host called my name and I went up. I thought I would be nervous, but it wasn’t even scary at all. It was so much fun– at the end, everyone applauded me and made me feel special.
Joining the Moth team taught me so much and gave me a lot of love. I had a great experience and I hope I can join again next year. Thank you so much MOTH TEAM!
SHARMIN NAHAR is a 14 year old girl who dreams of becoming successful in the business world and making her parents proud. Oh and she also loves pizza pie!