Never did I think in a million years that I would be standing on stage by myself and telling a story in front of 400 people. But I did it, and I am so grateful for the wonderful and understanding staff of the Moth who helped me to achieve this milestone. All people that I have encountered over this period are the most amazing people you will ever need.
If you’re thinking of doing The Moth, my biggest piece of advice to you is don’t be shy with the Moth team (with teammates and mentors alike). They always understand and you can be sure they will not tell anyone about your conversations.
This experience has been like a warm bubble of positive energy that I never want to leave… and hopefully never will.
ANASTASIA KRASILNIKOVA is a junior at School of the Future. A volleyball player in the past (arm injury), she still enjoys participating in various sports like tennis and running. Occasionally she likes to draw wild animals and volunteers for various events like walks against AIDS and breast cancer.