Dispatches from the Moth


Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Feb 01, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: The Moth To Honor Writer Roxane Gay at 2019 Moth Ball

by The Moth Staff

NEW YORK, NY (February 2019) - Beloved storytelling nonprofit The Moth today announced details for their annual fundraising gala, The Moth Ball. Taking place at Capitale (130 Bowery, NYC) on Tuesday, June 4, A Wrinkle In Space and Time: The 2019 Moth Ball will honor heralded writer, Roxane Gay. Tickets are on sale now for the mind- and time-bending evening of storytelling and surprises. “The Moth Ball is always an evening of imagination, inspiration and pure fun,” says Catherine Burns, ...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jan 23, 2019

The MOTHerview with Storyteller Maria Hodermarska

by Suzanne Rust

An educated guess from a clinician changes the trajectory of young man’s autism spectrum diagnosis. How did you know that this was The Moth story you had to tell? I am a parent of a young adult who identifies as living with difference. I came to work with Larry Rosen at The Moth Community Outreach Program through Ben Drew whose organization, Open Future Learning, was looking to help parents of people who identify as living with difference tell their stories and to use these ...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jan 08, 2019

The MOTHerview with Storyteller James Braly

by Suzanne Rust

When James’ estranged family comes together to fulfill his dying sister’s wish, the author realizes that letting go can be hard, beautiful, and sometimes funny. You’ve told many stories for The Moth. What has it meant for you to be able to share those stories on stage, and this one in particular? I started telling stories at The Moth partly to understand my marriage. There was a human placenta in my freezer, two young boys in my bed, and a whole lot of breastfe...

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