Photo credit: The Moth
NEW YORK, NY (February 2019) - Beloved storytelling nonprofit The Moth today announced details for their annual fundraising gala, The Moth Ball. Taking place at Capitale (130 Bowery, NYC) on Tuesday, June 4, A Wrinkle In Space and Time: The 2019 Moth Ball will honor heralded writer, Roxane Gay. Tickets are on sale now for the mind- and time-bending evening of storytelling and surprises.
“The Moth Ball is always an evening of imagination, inspiration and pure fun,” says Catherine Burns, Artistic Director of The Moth. “And, this year’s theme--A Wrinkle In Space and Time— highlights the power of storytelling to shift our perspectives and to change our world.”
“Roxane Gay's essays, books, and talks prove over and over again that she is, above all, a master storyteller,” says Sarah Haberman, Executive Director of The Moth. “She uses her own personal story to call out oppression of every kind and to restore hope where it’s been obliterated. And, the humor, authenticity, and vulnerability she consistently shows in her work epitomize The Moth's deepest values of honesty and connection. Roxane is fierce, brave, and riveting - and we can’t wait to celebrate her this June."
Nearly 500 guests, including Moth storytellers and luminaries from the worlds of art, finance, fashion, media and philanthropy will don their best garb--inspired by the evening’s retrofuturist theme--and join co-chairs Sarah Cole and Nina Patterson at this year’s event. The gala will also feature stories from - Moth GrandSLAM winners, students from The Moth Education Program, and alumni from storytelling workshops with community partner organizations auction items such as - a week in Madame Bovary's Dream Home; dinner and discussion with Moth Board Member Adam Gopnik, and more.
Proceeds from the annual fundraiser will support all of the Moth’s programs, including:
● Close to 600 live storytelling shows in 2019 in the U.S and abroad;
● The Moth’s community and education programs serving thousands of students, teachers and adults with stories to tell;
● The Moth Radio Hour--celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2019--which airs on 485+ public radio stations across the country;
● The ultra-popular Moth podcast, which is downloaded more than 53 million times a year
A Wrinkle In Space and Time: The 2019 Moth Ball tickets start at $500 for individuals and $10,000 for tables. They are available by contacting mothball@themoth.org.
About Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay’s writing has appeared in Best American Mystery Stories 2014; Best American Short
Stories 2012; Best Sex Writing 2012; A Public Space; McSweeney’s; Tin House; Oxford
American; American Short Fiction; Virginia Quarterly Review; and many others. She is a contributing
opinion writer for the New York Times. She is the author of the books Ayiti, An Untamed State; The
New York Times bestselling Bad Feminist; the nationally bestselling Difficult Women; and The New
York Times bestselling Hunger. She is also the author of World of Wakanda for Marvel. She has several
books forthcoming and is also at work on television and film projects. www.roxanegay.com
About The Moth
The Moth is an acclaimed non-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. Since
launching in 1997, The Moth has presented over 35,000 stories, told live and without notes to
standing-room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth conducts seven ongoing programs:The Moth
Mainstage,which tours internationally, has featured stories by Elizabeth Gilbert, Malcolm Gladwell,
Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, John Turturro, Molly Ringwald, Boots Riley, Krista Tippett, Rosanne Cash,
Danyel Smith and Tig Notaro, as well as an astronaut, a pickpocket, a hotdog eating champion, and
hundreds more; The Moth StorySLAM program, which conducts open mic storytelling competitions in
29 cities: 26 in the US plus Sydney and Melbourne, AU and London, UK; The Moth Community
Program, which offers storytelling workshops and performance opportunities to adults who are too
often overlooked by the mainstream media; The Moth High School StorySLAMs, which bring the thrill
of personal storytelling to high schools in New York and educators around the world; The Moth
Podcast, which is downloaded more than 53 million times a year; MothWorks, which uses the essential
elements of Moth storytelling at work and other unexpected places; and Peabody Award-winning The
Moth Radio Hour which airs weekly on over 485 public radio stations nationwide. The Moth will release
its third book—Occasional Magic: True Stories about Defying the Impossible— in March 2019.
@themoth @mothstories #MothBall2019
Media contact: Meryl Weinsaft Cooper, meryl@theCOOPERationinc.com, 917-974-0022