Dispatches from the Moth


Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Apr 11, 2019

The MOTHerview with Storyteller Amy Brill

by Suzanne Rust

Amy’s special (and speedy) delivery gave her a new outlook on motherhood. How did you know that this was the Moth story you had to tell? I've been a Moth person since the very beginning, with people telling stories in George's Dawes Green’s apartment. I'd curated Moth evenings, and volunteered with workshops, but I never had a story to tell until this happened. It was such a transformative event that it was clearly a Moth story--though of course I didn't know what it was really about until ...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Apr 02, 2019

The MOTHerview with storyteller Val Rigodon

by Suzanne Rust

The surprising death of a young acquaintance inspired Val to get on her toes …and hit the barre. How did you know that this was the Moth story you had to tell? It was a happy coincidence. The week I started ballet was also the week I went to the CUNY Moth festival. Ballet was the primary thing on my mind and my body. The loss of your friend inspired you to do something new and daring--start taking ballet classes. Have you been ...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Mar 19, 2019

The MOTHerview with Storyteller Tim King

by Suzanne Rust

Tim discovers that sometimes it’s good to push your best-laid plans aside for the unexpected. How did you know that this was the story you had to tell? The story I wanted to tell originally was about an amazing colleague and friend named Robert Hoderny who tragically died. As I discussed this with The Moth producer Sarah Austin Jenness, she asked me in what ways Robert had influenced me. I told her that one really big way was that he was the person who had first pointed Kei...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Feb 19, 2019

The MOTHerview with storyteller Matthew Diffee

by Suzanne Rust

A New Yorker cartoon contest inspired Matthew to find an unexpected outlet for his art... How did you know that this was The Moth story you had to tell? I first told this story at a special Moth event that was part of The New Yorker Festival, so I needed something from my life that connected with my career at the magazine. Apart from that, I always love stories about "the struggle" and about risk-taking and leveling up and this is mine, or at least one of them. ...

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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Feb 05, 2019

The MOTHerview with Storyteller David Montgomery

by Suzanne Rust

The Spice Girls helped a teenage David find his voice…and he hasn’t stopped talking since. How did you know that this was the story you had to tell? I think right now with so many minority voices being marginalized and silenced, it’s important to hear this kind of perspective. Also, the 90s nostalgia is at its height! It’s time that people come out of hiding and admit that there is nothing wrong with loving the Spice Girls. Think back to 14...

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