Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Aug 06, 2015
by The Moth
Dear Moth Storytellers,
We’re making some changes that will allow us to fill your story requests quicker and to better serve more of The Moth storytelling community.
Every Moth show in every city is professionally recorded both in audio and video. For several years now we’ve made it possible for storytellers to order a video of their Moth stories. Since 2013, the amount of requests we’ve received has tripled, and we continue to see the number of requests grow.
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jul 16, 2015
by The Moth
Put your creative brain to the test: design The Moth’s first-ever GrandSLAM trophy!
Are you skilled in vector design or eager to try a new challenge? Send us your vision for what the Moth GrandSLAM trophy should look like. Our favorite design will receive an honorarium of $200, their work will be featured on our website and their name will be printed on trophies given out to all the 2015 international GrandSLAM winners.
The Details:
We are looking for des...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jul 02, 2015
by The Moth
This school year, I got the chance to experience one of the most exciting things in my life. And that one exciting thing was joining The Moth.
Around April, I started noticing fliers about joining the Moth team around my school. My sister came up to me and told me that she was joining the Moth, and I should join too. I was quite unsure, but before I could give my answer she told me she had already put my name down.
Our first Moth meeting was held in April on a Thursday. I got a good un...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jul 01, 2015
by Anastasia Krasilnikova
Never did I think in a million years that I would be standing on stage by myself and telling a story in front of 400 people. But I did it, and I am so grateful for the wonderful and understanding staff of the Moth who helped me to achieve this milestone. All people that I have encountered over this period are the most amazing people you will ever need.
If you’re thinking of doing The Moth, my biggest piece of advice to you is don’t be shy with the Moth team (with teammates and mentors alike)....
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: May 11, 2015
by Jessica Altounian
As a special education teacher, I understand my role in the lives of young people as one of a storyteller. I craft so many stories with and about my students, and I try to constantly be aware of the ways that the stories created about students shape how people interact with them. Stories are powerful beyond belief.
My current (and favorite) experience with storytelling includes facilitating The Moth High School StorySLAM program at my school in the Bronx. I’m lucky to be the faculty advis...
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