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Story Library

Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.

Breaking Up in the Age of Google

by Jessi Klein

A difficult break-up lures a young woman into a digital vortex.

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Between The Lines

by Sheri Holman

A woman remembers visiting her two mysterious aunts as a child.

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The One Good Man

by Joyce Maynard

An author who treasures the art of letter-writing is spellbound by an inmate who becomes a pen pal.

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Mistaken Divinity

by Christopher Hitchens

A man is deified in Ceylon.

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The Undertaker's Daughter

by Jeffery Rudell

A teenage boy’s reaction to a dead body causes him to ask some tough questions.

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Rookie Reporter

by Lewis Lapham

Scandal, vice and magnificent hypocrisy: the truth about the press in 1950s America, as seen by a wide-eyed cub reporter.

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Kicking The Horse

by Jerry Stahl

Attempting to quit heroin by using crack is a messy business.

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The Negative Thinker

by Vincent Patrick

A door-to-door bible salesman, circa 1953, shares sales tactics.

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A Tale of Two Dinners

by Bliss Broyard

A daughter discovers her father’s painstakingly kept secret.

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Dinner at Elaine's

by George Plimpton

George Plimpton gives an auction winner a star-studded walk through the legendary NYC eatery Elaine's. 

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The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

by Anthony Griffith

A comic must earn his living as a clown while suffering the ultimate heartbreak.

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Harlem Cowboy

by Rudy Rush

Rudy Rush, a comedian from Harlem, cannot buck his love for the rodeo.

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Light Heavyweight Champ

by José Torres

A boxer defines and then conquers fear.

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My Journey

by Patricia "Rocky" Zimmerman

An incarcerated woman begs to be released so she can be at her dying mother’s bed side.

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Anthony the Hat

by Richie DiSalvo

The inventor of the Baby Calzone runs into trouble with the Mob.

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My First Day At The Yankees

by Matthew McGough

A Yankee fan's path to a job as a batboy.

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I've Always Been Lucky

by Jonathan Santlofer

An artistic tragedy has unexpected benefits.

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The Burning of Atlanta

by Dave Mowers

Sneaking cigarettes on the job has fiery consequences.

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What Goes Up

by Katherine Russell Rich

A writer's uptown friends won't believe her dating adventure with a New York City fire fighter.

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Where There's Smoke

by Jenifer Hixson

A chance meeting unites two women with bad boyfriends and bad habits.

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