The Moth Podcast
Planting Roots: Andrew Mude
This week, a story about losing and finding home with a story from The Moth's Global Program. This episode is hosted by Jon Goode.
Storyteller: Andrew Mude
Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.
This week, a story about losing and finding home with a story from The Moth's Global Program. This episode is hosted by Jon Goode.
Storyteller: Andrew Mude
This week, two stories about mothers and mental health.
Hosted by: Kate Tellers
Storytellers: Jim Giaccone, Kate Spindler
This episode is all about cars - the places they take us and the memories we make along the way.
Hosted by: Chloe Salmon
Storytellers: Oscar Saavedra, Nina Slowinski
This week, two stories about quick thinking in the face of adversity.
Hosted by Angelica Lindsey-Ali
Storytellers: Michele Woods, Birungi Birungi
This week, we're talking about one of the most powerful feelings in the world: shame; maybe it starts as a pit in your stomach when you put your foot in your mouth or washes over you like a wave when someone points out something you hoped they wouldn’t notice. Our storytellers this week show us that the only way to beat back the shame dragon is to talk about it.
Hosted by: Michelle Jalowski
Storytellers: Lizzie Peabody, Samira Sahebi
On this week's episode, we're talking about money, honey. Mulla, cash, bills, dough - whatever you call it, it affects all of our lives in immeasurable ways. This episode is hosted by special guest, Jen Lue, the assistant controller here at The Moth.
Hosted by: Jen Lue
Storytellers: Sara Rosa Espi Jacobson, Michelle Murphy
This week, we're celebrating International Women's Day with a story of resilience. This episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by Kate Tellers.
Storyteller: Beth de Araújo
In this special Black History Month Episode, two stories about self-image and what "beauty" means. This episode is hosted by Moth producer and director, Jodi Powell.
Storytellers: Kujegi Camara, Nyla Gilstrap
This week, two stories of love, losing it, and finding it again when you least expect it. This episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by Dame Wilburn.
Storytellers: Kemp Powers, Beth Bradley
This week, two stories about moments of reckoning.
This episode is hosted by Jon Goode. Recording support from Tiffany Goode.
Storytellers: Julie Baker, Meg Lavery
This week, stories of childhood crushes and all the fun and embarrassment they entail.
Hosted by: Chloe Salmon
Storytellers: Tim Lopez, Janine Hilling
In this New Year's Day episode, stories of moving into uncharted territory.
Hosted by: Jon Goode
Storytellers: Alix Born, Carlton Parks
2020 is 86-ed! In this episode, stories of food and celebration. For more information on how to help food-insecure folks this year, head to
Hosted by: Kate Tellers
Storytellers: Annie Share, Pamela Covington
In this episode, two stories about tv dreams and daytime nightmares. This episode is hosted by Moth producer and director, Michelle Jalowski.
Storytellers: Jessica Lee Williamson, Wes Hazard
In this episode, two stories about making it happen. This episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by Dame Wilburn. Make sure to head to to check out more from our storytellers!
Hosted by: Dame Wilburn
Storytellers: Ashley Johnson, Peter Laughter
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This week, a story about closure and rebirth. This week’s episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by Angelica Lindsey-Ali. To see photos of Katy and her family, head to our website,
Hosted by Angelica Lindsey-Ali
Storytellers: Katy Laurance
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This week, two hilarious stories about the lengths we go to for our animal friends. This episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by Michelle Jalowski, a producer and director at The Moth. Make sure to check out our website,, for photos of Luc and Busta and Majdy’s Swan Lake.
Storytellers: Majdy Fares, Lucie Moses
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This week, we celebrate Halloween and the full moon with two stories about intuition and connecting with the other side. Happy Halloween and have a blessed Samhain! For more information about voting, head to
Hosted by: Dame Wilburn
Storytellers: Kathleen McKitty Harris, Michael Walz
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This week, two stories and two choices. This episode is hosted by Aleeza Kazmi.
Storytellers: Jill Chenault, Harjeet Kapoor
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This week, stories of parenting and being parented.This week’s episode of The Moth Podcast is hosted by the director of MothWorks at The Moth, Kate Tellers, featuring two special surprise guests.
Storytellers: Caroline Connolly, Christopher Moncayo-Torres