Mission to India
A young doctor is whisked halfway across the globe to care for an ailing international religious icon. This story was produced in collaboration with the World Science Festival.
In this hour, a young doctor is whisked halfway across the globe to care for an ailing international religious icon, a daughter discovers her father’s painstakingly kept secret, and an oncologist raised in India describes the way death is handled in his native country. Hosted by The Moth’s Artistic Director, Catherine Burns. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.
Dr. George Lombardi is sent overseas to save the life of the most famous nun of all time.
Bliss Broyard learns the hidden facts about her father’s heritage just before he dies.
Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee describes the way his grandmother, and his native culture in India, embraced the end of life.
A young doctor is whisked halfway across the globe to care for an ailing international religious icon. This story was produced in collaboration with the World Science Festival.
An oncologist struggles with the way death is handled in his country. This story was produced in collaboration with the World Science Festival.
Mother Teresa sent Dr. Lombardi a thank you note for his efforts, and remained in touch for years.
Dr. Lombardi among the sick in Calcutta.
The team of doctors that saved Mother Teresa’s life.
Dr. Lombardi and the Sisters of Charity in Calcutta.
A contemporary article on Dr. Lombardi’s experience. Click through to read.
Listen to more about Bliss’s family and the early days at The Moth in this web-exclusive interview with Catherine Burns.
Bliss, at age 1, with her father Anatole Broyard.
Bliss, age 2, and her brother Todd, age 4.
Bliss, at age 18, with her father.
Three of the five brothers, born in the mid-1800s, from whom the Broyards in the story are descended.
The Broyards today, immediately after the second dinner party in the story.