Mission to India - George Lombardi

“In the most surreal moment, I said a prayer to Mother Teresa for Mother Teresa.”

Photo by Jason Falchook

Mission to India

by George Lombardi

A young doctor is whisked halfway across the globe to care for an ailing international religious icon. This story was produced in collaboration with the World Science Festival.

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Extras From This Story

George Lombardi Extra

Mother Teresa sent Dr. Lombardi a thank you note for his efforts, and remained in touch for years.

George Lombardi Extra 2

Dr. Lombardi among the sick in Calcutta.

George Lombardi Extra 3

The team of doctors that saved Mother Teresa’s life.

George Lombardi Extra 4

Dr. Lombardi and the Sisters of Charity in Calcutta.

George Lombardi Radio Exra 6

An article on Dr. Lombardi’s experience.