Photo by Sarah Stacke
Live audiences, get ready! Storytellers pull up your boot straps! The Moth StorySLAM is putting down roots in four new cities this fall.
In September, Boston, Milwaukee and Seattle will launch monthly StorySLAMs. Potential storytellers take note: the theme will be NERVE so there is time for you to dare yourself into a juicy, story-generating situation. Make haste! And please don’t break any laws!
Portland, Oregon hops on board on October 1 with the theme CHEMISTRY. Put on your safety goggles! Love potions and other explosions are likely.
For all the details and upcoming themes for all Moth StorySLAM cities, please frequently visit our events page and join us on Facebook and Twitter. Until then, here are some date and location specifics for the newbie cities.
- The Seattle Moth StorySLAM launches on Thursday, September 6th and will continue on first Thursdays at the non-profit performance space, Fremont Abbey Arts Center, with support from KUOW.
- The Milwaukee Moth StorySLAM launches on Thursday, September 6th and will continue on first Thursdays at The Miramar Theatre with support from WPR.
- The Portland Moth StorySLAM launches on Monday, October 1st and will continue on first Mondays at The Secret Society, with support from OPB, Literary Arts, and BackFence PDX.
- The Boston Moth StorySLAM launches on Monday, October 15th and will continue on third Mondays at OBERON with support from PRX and WBUR.
As you gear up to tell stories at The Moth StorySLAM, check out the events page, peruse our participation guide and storytelling tips!
Moth StorySLAM expansion is based on support from local radio stations and we are so grateful for the support of KUOW (Seattle), PRX and WBUR (Boston), WPR(Milwaukee), and OPB, Literary Arts, and BackFence PDX (Portland). Thank you for airing The Moth Radio Hour and supporting the universal hunger for stories told live!
Moth StorySLAMS create communities and we can’t wait to see what develops! We are buckling up at Moth Headquarters. We’ll be listening. Let the stories begin!