Life in the Bike Lane: Stories of People-Powered Exploits & Adventures
What’s happening?
Join The Moth and Tour de Fat, New Belgium Brewing’s celebration of bicycles, beer and all manner of sustainable folly. Submit YOUR story for a chance to be a part of The Moth’s special Tour De Fat show.
We’ll feature four stories from beloved Moth storytellers brought from headquarters and four local stories told by…maybe you? See below for how and what to submit for consideration. This is your chance to be one of our storytellers in Chicago or San Francisco!
Where and When?
In Chicago, July 21st at Palmers Square at 12.30pm: Link
In San Francisco, September 22 at Golden Gate Park, time TBD: Link
Do you have a story that fits the theme?
We’re looking for stories of stories of engine-less locomotion, quad-powered transport, and other “less-is-more” initiatives that make life, and the planet, a better space to share. Bicycle romances, bro-mances, mishaps, hijinks, adventures, spin-outs and incidents involving the proverbial “Look Ma, no hands!” moment. Keeping it green with two-wheeled mayhem, bliss, fright or fabulousness.
Send a one-line synopsis of your story to tourdefat@themoth.org.
Before you submit, check out our storytelling tips. We’ll chose our four favorites and be in touch!
Good luck!