Dispatches from the Moth
Explore interviews, storytelling tips, playlists and other Mothy fun curated by our staff and community.
Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Apr 09, 2012
by The Moth Staff
Judy Stone, a dear friend of Katherine and long-time member of The Moth community, writes:
Our much-loved, deeply admired friend Kathy Rich died last week, nearly two decades after her doctor said she had a year left, two at most. You might say she was living on borrowed time – except that Kathy didn’t borrow time; she owned it, planting her flag firmly and ruling that span of seasons fiercely, wisely, hilariously, benevolently, and beautifully.
Hearing of Kathy’s...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Mar 23, 2012
by Laura Hadden, Media & Communications Manager
Alex Trajano is Production Manager at one of The Moth’s beloved partner stations, WDET. When we first decided to launch a StorySLAM in Detroit, WDET’s Pro-Moth, uber-supportive station manager, Mikel Elcessor, recommended Alex Trajano to be our WDET-Moth liaison.
Hilarious, efficient, wise and also wise-cracking (as you’ll soon read), Alex helped us land the beautiful Cliff Bell’s for the premier show. He helped us with all the logistics, found our sound person, videographer and started to...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Mar 23, 2012
by Laura Hadden, Media & Communications Manager
We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Martin Scorsese will receive the 2012 Moth Award, Honoring the Art of the Raconteur at The Moth Ball on Tuesday May 8th.
The festivities, part of our 15th anniversary, will take place at Capitale in New York City, and will include a VIP cocktail party, dinner, dancing and show.
Rev. Al Sharpton will present a scholarship award to a graduate from our MothSHOP Community Education Program. Additionally, we are delighted to be honoring Bonnie Hammer,...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Feb 15, 2012
by Joan D. Firestone, Executive Director
Dear Moth family,
We are thrilled to announce that The Moth is the recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions (also known as the MACEI Award). On behalf of our Founder, Board and Staff, we would like to express our gratitude to The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for this great honor.
The award will be used in part to preserve The Moth’s 15-year video and audio archive, protecting for history voices of such storytellers as Wanda...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jan 09, 2012
by Laura Hadden, Media & Communications Manager
When The Moth began its journey into the wide world of audio production, we were lucky enough to find Paul Ruest of Argot Studios. Those of you who listen to our podcast or The Moth Radio Hour have undoubtedly heard his name and those who have attended Moth events have probably even seen him for yourself – the man wearing headphones and twisting knobs at the side of the stage and occasionally adjusting the microphone. Paul’s ears also work magic behind the scenes on many other Moth projects.
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