Moth Stories

Stories marked with tag "Food Drinks Cooking"

Sandwiches & Neighbors

by Oanh Ngo Usadi

Oanh Ngo Usadi and her family arrive in Texas from Vietnam with high hopes and an American Dream.

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Love And Pasta

by Leah Haydock

After a turbulent history in online dating, Leah finds solace in pasta.

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Like a Prayer

by Ritija Gupta

Ritija Gupta follows her grandmother's recommended all-yellow diet in the name of love.

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Ashes and Salmon

by Joan Juliet Buck

Joan Juliet Buck's uncle loses a suitcase of smoked salmon -- and a family member.

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The Meaning of a Bean

by Mercy Lung'aho

Mercy Lung'aho leads an experiment with beans, designed to combat anemia.

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