Nisse Greenberg

Nisse Greenberg is a pile of leftovers from a bunch of really good humans that were put in the fridge a while ago, but maybe too long ago. He likes to be really up front about what’s going wrong with his life and most people don’t like that. He guesses in that way he is like blue cheese or rotting plums. He doesn’t want his smell to perturb you, but if his taste is going to anyway, you might as well be put off by the smell first and then none of us have to go through all the rigamarole small talk and we can just go our separate ways. He’s really scared of being disliked.

Hear Stories By
Nisse Greenberg

The 7th Friend

by Nisse Greenberg

Nisse puts it all out on the line in an attempt to impress his friends.

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