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Story Library

Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.

Family Roots

by Jillian Lauren

A woman finds an unexpected new family when she adopts a son

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Oreo Relapse

by Bill Bernat

A man is addicted to cookies.

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The Best Mugging

by Anne Driscoll

A teacher working to exonerate wrongly-convicted criminals is the victim of an attempted mugging.

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Love Song for Malawi

by Al Letson

Al travels to Malawi for a job and finds unexpected human connection in a prison

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A Toast

by Catherine Palmer

Catherine Palmer takes her young sons on a work trip where they learn some inappropriate toasts, which they repeat at church.

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This is Going to Suck

by Matthew Dicks

Holiday spirit fills an emergency room.

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Under the Wires

by Dan Souza

A college kid has his jaw wired shut for a month and a half after having jaw surgery.

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About Your Mother

by Sarah Bunger

Sarah Bunger becomes her father’s best friend and confidant after her mother dies.

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But Also Bring Cheese

by Kate Tellers

A daughter contemplates how to face her mother’s death with grace. 

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The Fish Bank

by Jensi Sartin

A marine expert tries to bring fish back to Bali.

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A Pragmatic Idealist

by Sisonke Msimang

A pragmatic idealist learns to really listen to her friend.

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Dreams of a Young Cow Herder

by James Kassaga

A young man dreams of an iron roof for his family. 

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Grandma Mahembe's Farm

by Lindiwe Majele Sibanda

A leading advocate for food security must reassess her own relationship to food.

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by Wilson Portorreal

Wilson Portorreal runs into traffic to save Hershey, the family dog.

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Keep Going

by Peter Sagal

Peter Sagal runs The Boston Marathon as a guide for a visually impaired man.

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About You and Me

by Horace H.B. Sanders

Horace HB Sanders gets married and divorced and then remarried.

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200 One-of-a-Kind Shirts

by Natalie Chanin

After spending much of her life running away, a woman returns home to Alabama to manufacture the hand-sewn clothes she has designed.

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Birth of the Homobile

by Lynnee Breedlove

Lynnee Breedlove creates “Homobiles” -- a ride service serving the LGBT community and others marginalized by society.

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Coming of Age in a Mausoleum

by George Dawes Green

George Dawes Green spends the best summer of his life squatting in a mausoleum with a drug dealer. 

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Then You Will Know!

by Moshe Schulman

Moshe Schulman fears retribution from God for breaking Kosher while visiting his aunt in Long Island.

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