Honoring My Brothers - Edie Meeks 1724 Extra 2

“You don't have time to grieve... I know you took care of that guy for a long time and he's dead now, but you've got some more coming in tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.”

Honoring My Brothers

by Edie Meeks

A triage nurse does her best to save the lives of soldiers.

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Extras From This Story

Edie Meeks 1724 Extra 2

Edie completing basic training at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.

Edie Meeks 1724 Extra 1

Edie (standing, right) and her fellow nurses in front of their "hooch."

Edie Meeks 1724 Extra 3

Edie at the 71st Evacuation Hospital in Pleiku, Vietnam.