Grandma Becky's Bundt Cake
by Annie Share
Annie discovers the truth about her family’s famous bundt cake.
2020 is 86-ed! In this episode, stories of food and celebration. For more information on how to help food-insecure folks this year, head to themoth.org/extras.
Hosted by: Kate Tellers
Storytellers: Annie Share, Pamela Covington
by Annie Share
Annie discovers the truth about her family’s famous bundt cake.
Host Kate Tellers’ mother’s recipe for new potatoes and garlic baked in parchment paper.
Artistic Director Catherine Burns’ recipe for cheese grits.
Find Manager of Education and Instructor Programs Melissa Brown’s brussel sprout salad recipe, here.
For more information on how you can help food-insecure folks this season, check out these organizations, as well as mutualaidhub.org to find support in your neighborhood:
Center For Hunger-Free Communities at Drexel
Corbin's Legacy(Arizona)
Children's Health Watch (Boston)
The bundt cake.
Annie's friend and the bundt cake.