
Wednesday June 18


Venue: Rich Mix

35-47 Bethnal Green Rd.

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7:15pm Doors Open | 8:00pm Stories Begin

Add to Calendar 06/18/2025 8:00 PM 06/18/2025 10:30 PM Europe/London The Moth Stories - Hospitality

The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition in which anyone can share a true, personal, 5-minute story on the night's theme. Sign up for a chance to tell a story or sit back and enjoy the show! Tonight’s theme is…

HOSPITALITY: Cook up a five-minute story about the beauty and occasional chaos of saying, “Come on in.” Early mornings, late nights, clopening, or back-to-back doubles. Serving your crushtomer or the dread of the house guest that overstayed their welcome. Standing for 8 hours, remembering to smile, and only sometimes crying in the walk-in. Testing mettle and memory. Can I speak to the manager?

Doors Open: 7:15 PM

Show Starts: 8:00 PM

Tickets for London's StorySLAMs go on sale 3 weeks prior to the show date at 3 PM GMT.

Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final. Please note that we will not sell any tickets at the door.

General Admission: Tickets for general admission. (Don't worry— you can still put your name in the hat the night of the show, even if you don't purchase a Storyteller ticket ahead of time!)

Storyteller Admission: Advanced storyteller sign-up. For those who would like a chance to tell a story!

Rich Mix The Moth false MM/DD/YYYY

The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition in which anyone can share a true, personal, 5-minute story on the night's theme. Sign up for a chance to tell a story or sit back and enjoy the show! Tonight’s theme is…

HOSPITALITY: Cook up a five-minute story about the beauty and occasional chaos of saying, “Come on in.” Early mornings, late nights, clopening, or back-to-back doubles. Serving your crushtomer or the dread of the house guest that overstayed their welcome. Standing for 8 hours, remembering to smile, and only sometimes crying in the walk-in. Testing mettle and memory. Can I speak to the manager?

Doors Open: 7:15 PM

Show Starts: 8:00 PM

Tickets for London's StorySLAMs go on sale 3 weeks prior to the show date at 3 PM GMT.

Seating is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the show. Admission is not guaranteed for late arrivals. All sales final. Please note that we will not sell any tickets at the door.

General Admission: Tickets for general admission. (Don't worry— you can still put your name in the hat the night of the show, even if you don't purchase a Storyteller ticket ahead of time!)

Storyteller Admission: Advanced storyteller sign-up. For those who would like a chance to tell a story!

Presented By: The Moth


“I love The Moth because its very origin is deeply rooted in our desire to connect with each other through shared experiences in stories.”
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