Houston and New Orleans story lovers and storytellers, heads up! The Moth StorySLAM, our open mic celebration of local stories is taking root in Texas and Louisiana. Come to listen or come to share… hopefully both!
The Moth StorySLAM is a showcase for true stories from every day folks. Heroes and hell-raisers, students, grandpas, insurance agents and truck drivers–people from all corners are welcome. Ex-cons, nurses, tax lawyers, bakers, barbacks or bee keepers. Everyone is qualified to participate. Stage experience not necessary. Life experience… mandatory.
- The Houston Moth StorySLAM will launch on Tuesday, September 10th at Stereo Live and will continue on the second Tuesday of every month, with support from KUHF.
- The New Orleans Moth StorySLAM will launch on Tuesday, October 8 at Café Istanbul and will continue on the second Tuesday of every month, with support from WWNO.
The themes for both of these new StorySLAMs will be FIRSTS, so bring tales of your first: home run, miserable failure, kiss, child, crisis of conscience, job, pet, toupee, trip overseas, internet date, grandchild or fist fight. Grand openings, birth order, wild initiations or beginners luck!

Photo by Allison Evans
The Houston and New Orleans Moth StorySLAMS have been made possible by the support of our media sponsors. Specials thanks to KUHF (Houston) and WWNO (New Orleans) who share The Moth Radio Hour