The Moth Community Program brings storytelling workshops and performance opportunities to diverse groups and organizations throughout New York City. Through these workshops hundreds of marginalized teens and adults, many from underserved communities, have discovered the experience of crafting their personal stories and having them heard and appreciated by audiences from the local community and beyond.
Twice a year we present The Moth Community Showcase, featuring selected stories from recent workshops. Our next Showcase will take place Wednesday, July 9th, at the Housing Works Bookstore Café, and will include storytellers representing seven community organizations: Project SOL (Speak Out Loud), The ReelAbilities Film Festival, Gangstas Making Astronomical Community Changes Inc. (G-MACC), Instituto Cervantes, Spain Culture NY, Also-Known-As (AKA), and the Brooklyn Public Library’s Services for Older Adults.
More information about the Showcase is here. We hope you can join us!