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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Nov 15, 2024

Storytelling School Blog #69

by The Moth Staff

Lesson #69: HEROES  “My Mother’s Drive” - Shristi Karki

Happy November! This month we have a story from a Moth Story Lab workshop participant that was featured on the Moth Radio Hour and podcast this week! We hope you enjoy it. Check back next month for a holiday archive special!

This month’s Storytelling School story is:

“My Mother’s Drive” by Shristi Karki

Watch the video. 

You can read the transcript of Shristi’s story here.

After you’ve watched and read the story, you can do the following activities: 

Talk to each other about Shristi’s story. 

For each post, we’ll highlight a different crafting strategy for how to make your story compelling. This post, we’ll focus on HEROES. We learn so much about ourselves and how we feel about our experiences with people we care about and admire. Shristi finds a hero who she didn’t expect to, in her own mother. 

What does Shristi learn about her mother that makes her see her in a new way? What impact does that new perspective have on Shristi? On her relationship with her mother? 

Who is one of your heroes? What does having a hero teach us about ourselves? What does learning about someone else’s hero teach you about them? Ask someone you care about who their hero is and see what you learn. 

Let’s Play “Have You Ever”

Raise your hand if … 

You’ve ever had something work out differently than you’d expected?

You’ve ever written an essay about an idol?

You’ve ever been inspired by a celebrated leader? 

You’ve ever been inspired by your mom or another family member?

You’ve ever had a moment where you saw yourself differently? 

You’ve ever been underestimated? 

You’ve ever underestimated someone?

You’ve ever stepped out of your comfort zone? 

You’ve ever learned to drive? 

You’ve ever had a hero? 



Is there a person in your life who has influenced you? Has the way you see them changed? Has the way you see yourself changed? Is there a goal that you are reaching for that they have inspired? Is there a lesson from them you have learned that you do or do not want to repeat? What does it mean to be inspired? Set a timer for ten minutes and jot down any feelings or ideas that these questions bring up for you?

Plan a road trip. Who is in the car with you? Where are you going? How many days? What is the playlist? Any games? Snacks? Activities? Set out an itinerary for this trip. 


Share this post with a friend!

And check back the second Tuesday of every month for another story.


Storyteller bio

Shristi is a high school senior living in Queens, New York. She likes to stay wrapped in cozy blankets and watch movies. Shristi also just got her learner’s permit, and is ALSO learning to drive. 


The night Shristi told this story her mom was in the audience, and the audience gave her a huge round of applause. Shristi said her mother was very emotional after the education showcase and told her that she wasn’t aware that her daughter had been observing her learning process. Shristi said “My mom did not think I would be interested as I was pretty young, but she was really happy hearing me recite the details.”


The Moth Education Program works with young people and educators to build community through storytelling workshops, performances and innovative resources.


We are always looking for more young people and educators to join our storytelling workshops!  To learn more, apply for a workshop, or refer someone you know, please go to

Additional program support is provided by the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, The Gottesman Fund, The Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation and Con Edison.


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