Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: May 16, 2012
by The Moth Staff
We were absolutely thrilled to be included in this year’s NarrativeArc conference at Boston University. The conference “celebrates and explores narrative journalism, a powerful, unfettered, public but individually voiced genre, as it expands into many digital media.” Radio legend and The Moth Radio Hour‘s producer Jay Allison delivered the conference’s keynote “The Moth & Friends: The Rise of Stories Out Loud” about the importance of oral storytelling in an increasingly digital world.
“I have...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Apr 09, 2012
by The Moth Staff
Judy Stone, a dear friend of Katherine and long-time member of The Moth community, writes:
Our much-loved, deeply admired friend Kathy Rich died last week, nearly two decades after her doctor said she had a year left, two at most. You might say she was living on borrowed time – except that Kathy didn’t borrow time; she owned it, planting her flag firmly and ruling that span of seasons fiercely, wisely, hilariously, benevolently, and beautifully.
Hearing of Kathy’s passing, ...
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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Nov 28, 2011
by Jenifer Hixson, Senior Producer
Thank you so much for supporting us on the way to our 200th episode of The Moth podcast!As a way to say thanks, we wanted to give our listeners the best approximation of a full-length Moth GrandSLAM by podcasting the first Chicago GrandSLAM, recorded live in January 2011 and presented in its entirety. You’ll hear the whole thing, from start to finish, over the course of two podcast episodes.Moth GrandSLAMS have been happening in New York and California for many years but for this maiden GrandsS...
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