Moth Stories

Stories marked with tag "Romance"

The One Good Man

by Joyce Maynard

An author who treasures the art of letter-writing is spellbound by an inmate who becomes a pen pal.

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The Undertaker's Daughter

by Jeffery Rudell

A teenage boy’s reaction to a dead body causes him to ask some tough questions.

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What Goes Up

by Katherine Russell Rich

A writer's uptown friends won't believe her dating adventure with a New York City fire fighter.

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Gut Instinct

by James Braly

While on vacation in Italy with his long-time girlfriend, a young man is tempted by a beautiful French woman.

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She's Just Not That Into Me

by Greg Behrendt

Unable to let a romantic relationship fade away, an earnest and lovesick man admits he turns into a borderline stalker.

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