The Bogeyman - Timothy Bell

“I grew up absolutely terrified of her, like she was the boogeyman.”

Photo by Christan Leonard

The Bogeyman

by Timothy Bell

Timothy Bell discovers that there are more layers to his mother than meets the eye.

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Extras From This Story

Mrh2013 ​ Timothy Bell​​ Extra 1

Tim and his mom all grown up. "This was just one of our infrequent visits together. I think we were on our way to dinner."

Mrh2013 ​ Timothy Bell​​ Extra 2

Tim at age 6 in his mom's lap at a birthday party. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles nurtured my love of pizza which persists to today. We moved around a whole bunch so I can't be certain but I believe that we were in TX at the time."