Grandma Mahembe's Farm
A leading advocate for food security must reassess her own relationship to food.
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Lindiwe’s Aunt Elis at her 100th birthday party.
Lindiwe’s Favorite Dish: Tripe (meat) with Mfushwa (vegetable) and Pap (starch)
Offal, especially tripe and intestines is a Zimbabwean delicacy that borders on gourmet food quality. With the right ingredients and careful cleaning during preparation, this kind of food can be enjoyed by all.
-500g goat tripe, thoroughly cleaned and cut into strips or cubes
-goat intestines, also washed thoroughly and cut into pieces
-5 garlic cloves, crushed
-1 large onion, diced
-Salt & chllies to season
In a large pot, throw all the meat the garlic and onion in and cover well with water. Season with salt and chillies, and let simmer on low to medium heat for 3 – 4 hours, constantly checking for water depletion and upping when necessary.
Serve with hot pap or dumplings.
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking time: < 4 hours
Mfushwa is a group of African spinach that includes Lerotho, Thepe, Lephutsi, Delele, Nawa, etc. The leaves of these plants are edible and delicious.
Most times we collected and dried the leaves during the wet season and consumed them during tough seasons such as winter when chances of cultivation are not good. This has been the way of surviving tough economic and physical conditions for many family farmers.
1 bunch mfushwa, e.g. pumpkin leaves, washed
1 onion, diced
Salt and pepper to season
2 large or 4 small tomatoes, thinly cut
2 tablespoons cream (drained from standing cow milk from previous day”s farm supplies)
In a pot, fry the onion with oil until brown and still soft. Throw in mfushwa, tomatoes, herbs and season well. Pour in ½ jug water and cook for 30 minutes of low heat.
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
2 cups corn meal
2 cups water
In a cooking pot boil the water and gooi in the maize meal. Add the salt to taste and with a wooden spoon whisk and until thick. Leave on low heat for around 15 to 20 minutes. Pour into ramekins and leave to cool before serving with protein source and vegetables of your main meals in my case best served with tripe and pumkin leaves.
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: max 20 minutes