Charlie Ravioli - Adam Gopnik

“She invented an imaginary friend who was always too busy to play with her.”

Photo by Jason Falchook

Charlie Ravioli

by Adam Gopnik

A writer details his daughter’s cosmopolitan imaginary friend. 

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Extras From This Story

Also in this hour, Adam Gopnik introduces his daughter’s imaginary playmate, Charlie Ravioli. Adam, who is a regular Moth storyteller as well as a writer for The New Yorker, sits down with Catherine Burns to discuss how the process of writing an essay and telling a Moth story differ.

Adam’s latest book, The Table Comes First: Family, France and the Meaning of Food, will be released on October 25th.

Also in this hour, the late Mike DeStefano describes the lowest point of his life when a chance meeting with a monk gives him a new lease on life.