Host - Michelle Jalowski
Michelle Jalowski: [00:00:02] Welcome to The Moth Podcast. I'm Michelle Jalowski.
It may be a new year, but I've got pretty much the same resolutions. I'm going to start reading a book every week, I'm going to take more walks, I'm finally going to find a way to keep that Trader Joe's orchid alive for more than a month. Check back with me in March to see how I did.
But sometimes, the best thing you can do isn't to start something new. It's to think about your old habits that you don't love, the things and ideas that aren't serving you and decide to leave them behind. On this episode, we've got two stories about the good that can sometimes come from quitting.
[cheers and applause]
First up is Ian Stewart, who told this at a Moth StorySLAM in Portland. Here's Ian, live at The Moth.
Ian Stewart: [00:00:47] I remember my first cigarette almost as well as I remember my last. My first one, it was all love and honey. It tasted good. It felt good on my lips. It melted my brain, like chocolate under a hot marshmallow. [audience laughter] Last one, not so much. [audience laughter] It was one of those random summertime hailstorms, and I was huddled underneath this little overhang, smoking it with abandon, desperate need.
I smoked it all the way down to the filter, flicked it into this little flower pot, that poor little thing never saw anything beautiful. [audience laughter] I felt so frustrated in myself, so ashamed. I tried to quit plenty of times before, and there I was again. I felt like I was letting myself down. I felt like I was breaking a promise, which I was. I went back inside and I went into my bedroom where I've got this big whiteboard. It was my quit board. It was huge and I only had 60 little tallies in a corner.
When I got the thing, I was very sure I was going to fill this up, no sweat. I was going to maybe just keep on going, and turn it into one of those dungeons that has little tallies all over the walls. [audience laughter] As I'm sitting there looking at it, I see 60 something tallies representing around two and a half months. It's pretty good. I was so frustrated to look at that, look at all that effort. In between each of those lines, represented an entire day of fighting cravings.
Cravings, they were like a parasite, man. They would dictate everything I did throughout the day. Every single one of those tallies represented an entire day that I went. I woke up, didn't smoke. I didn't smoke during my first cup of coffee or my second, I didn't smoke after breakfast. I didn't smoke before work, on and on and on. I'm wet, I'm cold, I'm so frustrated. Just so much self-pity. I take my hand and I just swipe all those tallies away. Quit board goes back down to zero days without a cigarette.
Again, that frustration. I was mad. I could feel myself just writhing in it. And ironically, in those moments, the thing you really want is a cigarette. [audience laughter] I go back out to the kitchen where I left the pack, and there's one left rattling around in there. It's like the last match, my little lifeline before the darkness of no more smokes. On my hand below the pack, I could see this blue smear. It was the smear of 60 something little lines and 60 something little times where I said I went this entire day without a cigarette.
In that moment, I didn't see that necessarily as a failure. That was a collection of successes, a lot of successes. Over 20 a day for 60 some days. Felt pretty damn good. I put that pack back down, and the next day around the same time, I drew my first line on the clipboard. Well, my first line, again. [audience laughter] The next day, I did it again. 2 became 4, 4 became 20. Before I knew it, I had a long, yet gradually easier year of tallies behind me. Right on. Appreciate that. [chuckles] [audience cheers and applause]
I still get cravings on my hardest days. I still have a little bit of envy, when I'm at the bar and I smell smoke. It still smells good to me. I know it's weird. I don't tally anymore. That got kind of weird, like the dungeon look. Not as cool as you might think. [audience laughter] But to this day, tucked away inside of my nightstand, it's all crusty and just a shell of a thing now. I still have that last smoke. Thank you.
[cheers and applause]
Michelle Jalowski: [00:05:22] That was Ian Stewart. Ian is a writer and hobbyist of many things who tends to burn the candle at both ends. He is the author of Bittersweet, a collection of short stories and lives in Portland, Oregon with his soon to be wife and their two cats.
Now, for a story about a different type of quitting, here's Melissa Earley at a StorySLAM in Chicago.
[cheers and applause]
Melissa Earley: [00:05:51] It was my first solo trip a year after my divorce. I'm in a cave in Guatemala with a bunch of 20-year-olds. [audience laughter] I'm nearly 50. They're all in or the girls are in little bikinis, and I didn't bring my bathing suit to Guatemala, so I'm in long pants and a T-shirt. They give us a rope to hold onto that's anchored to the cave wall and a candle for light. The water gets deeper and deeper and deeper, and pretty soon I'm in water over my head trying to pull myself along with the rope and keep the damn candle lit. [audience laughter] The 20-year-olds are all getting giddier and louder and giddier and I am certain that something is going to go horribly, horribly wrong. [audience laughter] I'm in this stupid cave, because it's what my 20 something self would have done.
My marriage unraveled so quickly I didn't see it coming. It's like, I stepped on a piece of black ice and I was on my ass before I knew what happened. [audience laughter] When I was single and in my 20s, I loved traveling alone. I loved that feeling that the world was holding me in benevolent hands. It just revealed itself to me one step at a time. So, when I decided to take this solo trip, I planned it like I had in my 20s. Central America, on the cheap, not many plans ahead of time.
When I decided to see the turquoise pools of Semuc Champey, I opted for the cheap option, which was the caving adventure inclusion. I don't even like caves. [audience laughter] As we're going along, the 20 somethings love it clearly. They love it when we have to wedge ourselves through a narrow little keyhole, they love it when we go up not one, but two ladders under waterfalls. While water is exploding in our faces, they're all, “Woo-hoo.” [audience laughter] I'm looking around for safety helmets. [audience laughter]
The cave opens to a really large cavern with a high platform. They all start scampering around like little goats, yelling and carrying on. [audience laughter] It's great America in there. [audience laughter] They're jumping off the platform into a deep pool. It's Cannonball City, and I'm sitting huddled, cold, tired and pretty certain someone is going to die. [audience laughter] After about two hours or it could have been two years, I don't know, [audience laughter] we were finally almost out of the cave. I could literally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My foot slips on a rock. I try to catch my balance. I reach for the cave wall, and I miss, and I fall and I slam my back hard against a rock. It hurts so bad, for a minute I thought I broke my back. I sit in the cold water. I hide my face, because I don't want anyone else to see my tears. I am so ashamed. I am the old lady who fell. I get up slowly. I can walk, but barely. I slowly make my way to the locker room. My back seizing up at every step. When I get to the locker room, I know there's no way I can change out of my wet clothes into dry ones without help. Thankfully, the person I ask is an Australian nurse. She assures me that I haven't done any permanent damage and that it's going to hurt like hell for a few days. And it did.
But on my 20 something bucket list was the ruins at [unintelligible [00:10:02]. So, I am the next day on a small van shuttle and the jump seat that does this the whole time, [audience laughter] feeling every bump, jostle and ditch and my back just tightens up. It just sends shock waves of pain through my whole body all the way up to Flores. When we finally get to Flores, I get out, my body just locked in a tight grimace. That night, I'm sitting on my hotel terrace, and I finally admit that my 20 something travel days are over. I am a grown ass woman. [audience laughter] [audience applause]
I have a real job. [audience laughter] Maybe I can afford a hotel with hot water. [audience laughter] And then, I realize it's not my age I'm struggling with. It's my fragility. It's one thing to trust the world when you believe you can't get hurt. It's something totally different when you know you can. I don't let my 20 something travel self, [chuckles] make my travel plans anymore. [audience laughter] But I do let her in on decisions I make. I may be single and fragile, but it's still sometimes worth risking crashing again, because you can only not get hurt if you don't go anywhere or do anything or love anyone. I'm learning to be fragile and brave at the same time.
[cheers and applause]
Michelle Jalowski: [00:12:00] That was Melissa Earley. Melissa is a United Methodist pastor. In 2023, she moved from the Chicago area to Leadville, Colorado to make space in her life for writing, hiking and creativity. She's the pastor of St. George Episcopal Mission and cofounder of Sage Mountain Institute for Writing and Spirituality.
That's it for this episode. From all of us here at The Moth, listening to our podcast is a habit, we hope you never quit.
Marc Solinger: [00:12:26] Michelle Jalowski is a producer and director at The Moth, where she helps people craft and shape their stories for stages all over the world.
This episode of The Moth Podcast was produced by Sarah Austin Jenness, Sarah Jane Johnson and me, Marc Sollinger. The rest of The Moth’s leadership team include Sarah Haberman, Christina Norma, Jenifer Hixson, Meg Bowles, Kate Tellers, Marina Klutse, Suzanne Rust, Lee Ann Gullie and Patricia Ureña.
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