The House That Sherman Didn't Burn
A Georgia woman goes to war when her family’s mansion is slated to be turned into a golf ‘clubhouse’.
The Moth's founder, George Dawes Green, details the fireworks when his mother learns that her family plantation is slated to be turned into a theme park; a spectacularly eccentric mother and Savannah, GA work in tandem to create a true bohemian; and a guard at Sing Sing is intrigued by a prisoner's mysterious tattoo.
A Georgia woman goes to war when her family’s mansion is slated to be turned into a golf ‘clubhouse’.
by Edgar Oliver
The genesis story of a true bohemian: two children, one spectacularly eccentric mother and Savannah, Georgia.
George Dawes Green
A Georgia woman goes to war when her family’s mansion is slated to be turned into a golf ‘clubhouse’.
George Dawes Green’s ancestral home.
George Dawes Green’s ancestors in front of their home. Photos courtesy George Dawes Green.
Edgar Oliver
The genesis story of a true bohemian: two children, one spectacularly eccentric mother and Savannah, Georgia.
Helen and Edgar pose for pictures in a photobooth.
Helen, Edgar and a friend in a cafe in Paris. Photos courtesy Edgar Oliver.
Ted Conover
Ted Conover in his officer's uniform.