Whatever Doesn't Kill Me
by Ed Gavagan
A violent encounter causes a man's life to spiral out of control.
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The victim of a random stabbing struggles to reestablish his life while suffering from post traumatic stress disorder; author Nathan Englander describes coming of age at 19 while traveling through Europe to witness the fall of The Berlin Wall; and an artist and documentary film maker loses three years of work in an instant and finds it hard to continue.
Ed Gavagan is nearly stabbed to death by a gang, then loses his job and his home while working through PTSD.
Nathan Englander is still a teenager when he heads to Europe hoping to witness the fall of Communism in East Berlin.
Ellie Lee suffers an enormous setback in the making of her documentary but gets inspired, years later, to try again.
by Ed Gavagan
A violent encounter causes a man's life to spiral out of control.
Ed’s daughter on the streets of New York. Photo courtesy Ed Gavagan.
Nathan at the Berlin Wall.
The gate to East Berlin.
Nathan helping to take down the Berlin Wall. All photos courtesy Nathan Englander.
Check out Ellie’s full-length documentary, Repetition Compulsion:
Some of the art from Ellie’s documentary. Courtesy of Ellie Lee.