Secret Santa: Jeannie Colon and James Gordon Extras

Jeannie Colon

Jeannie Colons Family

Jeannie's family.

Jeannie Colons Granddaughter Kailynn At 4

Jeannie's granddaughter Kailynn at four.

Jeannie Colons Grandson Landon 10 Kailynn 3 And Allie Skye 4 Mos

Jeannie's grandson Landon ten, Kailynn three, and Allie Skye four months.

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Secret Santa: Jeannie Colon and James Gordon

by Moth Podcast

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In this episode, we’re sharing stories about Santa. Normally, we don’t air stories that reveal that Santa isn’t real, however, we decided to break that tradition for a special episode. So, if any kids might listen, be warned.

Read the transcript here.

Jeannie Colon confronts a Santa betrayal.

James Gordon has to live the role of Santa.

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