Reach For The Stars One Small Step At A Time
The limits of a man's physical vision turn into the view from space.
Brianna Wolfson navigates the pressures of living a double-life and the limits of Richard Garriott's physical vision turn into the view from space.
The limits of a man's physical vision turn into the view from space.
Brianna dressed in a suit and bowtie.
Brianna and her mother.
Brianna with her father and mother.
Richards secret message to gamers during launch. It reads "The Earth Is The Cradle Of Humanity But One Cannot Live In The Cradle Forever."
Young Kinga and Ronin in the North Pole.
Kinga and Ronin on their North Pole Scientific Expedition.
Richard pictured with other astronauts about the International Space Station.
Richard and his father.
Richard Garriott