Beyond My Viewmaster Dreams
by Alvin Hall
A successful businessman reveals his childhood dream.
A few months ago, we put out a call to listeners to host their own episode of The Moth podcast for its 10th anniversary. Today we're thrilled to pass the mic over to listener Tonya Scott Williams. In this episode, Tonya chooses three of her favorite stories to share.
A successful businessman reveals his childhood dream. An expecting couple rush through an unexpected trip into the night. An online connection leads to a real-world rekindling.
We'll also hear from two other listeners who wrote in that we loved. A special thanks to Larrnell Cross and Brennen Beckwith.
Storytellers: Alvin Hall, Eric Call, and Julie Baker
Hosted by: Tonya Scott Williams
by Alvin Hall
A successful businessman reveals his childhood dream.
by Eric Call
An expecting couple rush through an unexpected trip into the night.
by Julie Baker
An online connection leads to a real-world rekindling.
Tonya Scott Williams
Tonya Scott Williams is a business owner, soon-to-be published author, and mother to a rising high school senior who gives her so many reasons to smile. She also co-hosts a parenting podcast on Blog Talk Radio, and is a host of BizTalk MGM on WVAS radio. She volunteers with advocacy and arts organizations, wanders the wild, and lives in Montgomery, Alabama with her family.
Alvin in 1969 during Yale Summer High School in New Haven on a field trip to the Newport Jazz Festival.
Virginia and Eric, at Harvard during Junior Parents' Weekend, this past Winter
Virginia as a newborn just after coming home from the NICU, approximately 5 lbs, relaxing in a doll crib.
Bobby and Julie on their first date in the Copenhagen Canals.
Julie and Bobby on a Danish roadtrip.
Bobby and Julie at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland.
Julie and Bobby enjoying the beach in Denmark.