This summer, the MothSHOP Community Education Program teamed up with Participant Media, an entertainment company that focuses on documentary and narrative feature films, television, publishing, music, and digital content about the real issues that shape our lives, to bring storytelling workshops to selected high school students in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
Inspired by Participant’s release of the movie The Help – based on Kathryn Stockett’s novel about African American maids working...
Last Monday, WABC-TV ran a news segment that provided an excellent behind-the-scenes look at our MothSHOP Community Education Program’s work with students at Bronx Preparatory Charter School.
Launched in 2000 in an effort to reach storytellers who might not find their way to us, The MothSHOP Community Education Program teaches storytelling principles to students and disenfranchised adults in underserved neighborhoods, then shares those stories within the community and beyond, giving platform ...