Become a Corporate Member
Join our Corporate Membership Program and support The Moth’s essential mission to honor the diversity and commonality of human experience through the art and craft of storytelling. If you believe that the transformative power of true, personal storytelling has a unique capability to build community, spread understanding, and inspire hope, consider aligning your brand with The Moth.
Corporate Membership allows your employees to become part of The Moth’s growing global community, build valuable storytelling skills that support their personal and professional development while advancing your business goals. We work closely with Corporate Members to create memorable experiences that meet your company’s needs and interests, offering flexible engagement at various levels.
Benefits may include:
10% discount on customized storytelling workshops with MothWorks
Follow-up coaching for select workshop participants
Early access to ticket blocks and reserved seating at live and virtual events
Invitations to exclusive live and virtual member events
Acknowledgment on and our newsletter reaching 120,000+ Moth community members
Annual contributions start at $10,000.
Corporate Membership donations provide critical support to all aspects of The Moth’s mission, helping us create a more empathetic world through storytelling workshops for students, educators, and community organizations. To join the program and make a lasting impact, reach out at
A portion of each Corporate Membership contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To request a breakdown of the value of goods and services you will receive, please contact
Our Impact
40,000+ stories told
6,000+ live events since 1997
15,000+ submissions to the pitchline
230 live and virtual storytelling shows in 2020
932 students who have told stories at High School SLAMS (to 10,000 of their peers)
6 continents where The Moth has held events
400+ storytellers from over 50 countries have graduated from The Moth Global Program
570+ stations that air The Moth Radio Hour
256 people across 23 workshops participated in The Moth Community Program in 2020
90 million podcasts downloads annually
30 cities with recurring StorySLAMS
638,000+ followers across The Moth social media profiles
4 stories told by Nobel Laureates
3 storytellers who have been in outer space
2 audience members who have fainted during stories about surgery
2 onstage marriage proposals (they both said yes)