Buck - Tony Cyprien

“He gave each man an envelope with 200 dollars in it.”

Photo by Ian Tervet


by Tony Cyprien

Tony Cyprien is overwhelmed on his first day outside of prison.

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Extras From This Story

Tony Cyprien Mrh 1814 Extra 4

Tony and Janice.

Tony Cyprien Mrh 1814 Extra 3

Tony and El-Dog at Inglewood Cemetery where he was visiting his mother’s grave for the first time.

Tony Cyprien Mrh 1814 Extra 5

Tony didn't know how to tie a tie since he had been away since the age of 13.

Tony Cyprien Mrh 1814 Extra 2

Tony and Janice in the visitor's room.

Tony Cyprien Mrh 1814 Extra 1

The star of the story.