Making Waves: Matty Struski & Javier Morillo
This week, we have two stories about the times when small actions make big waves. It’s not too late to register to vote!
Hosted by: Dame Wilburn
Storytellers: Matty Struski, Javier Morillo
Stories in this Episode
Jail Lessons
Javier Morillo's life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the leader of a union of janitors.
Extras From This Episode
Matty Struski

The photo Matty Struski tweeted to Grant Park.

Matty's daughter Rain playing at the park that same day.

Matty's daughter Rain playing at the park that same day.

Matty and Rain surfing at a beach they helped clean up.
Rain standing in her walker.

A recent family photo of Rain, Matty's wife Valerie (aka Rains mom), and Matty!
Javier Morillo

Here's a list of elections being held next month, but be sure to check your local governments website:
In most states, you can register to vote online! Check out this website for any of your voter registration questions: