Things Will Be Okay - Ashok Ramasubramanian

“There is a distinction between cautious and being scared out of one’s wits and I am always on the wrong side of that divide.”

Photo by Jason Falchook

Things Will Be Okay

by Ashok Ramasubramanian

Ashok Ramasubramanian worries over his fate and a repeating cycle of life.

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Extras From This Story

Ashok Ramasubramanian Radio Extra 1 Mrh 1725

Ashok's late father, who famously said, "What's the big deal? Things are going to be okay."

Ashok Ramasubramanian Radio Extra 2 Mrh 1725

Ashok with his family and his mother.

Ashok Ramasubramanian Radio Extra 3 Mrh 1725

Ashok and his daughter at the lock, completely unafraid.